Don't Grow Up by Michael Ukwuma

Becoming Your Dream

In this chapter, we explore the transformative power of dreams and the importance of holding onto them as we journey through life. While dreams may seem distant or unrealistic, they have the potential to shape our future and drive us towards greatness. Let us uncover the stories of individuals who have turned their dreams into…

Ten Timeless Leadership Lessons from History’s Great Leaders

Ten Timeless Leadership Lessons from History’s Great Leaders

Throughout history, exceptional leaders have emerged to guide and inspire others, leaving a profound impact on their communities and the world. The stories of these great leaders offer valuable insights and lessons that are as relevant today as they were in their times. Let us explore ten timeless leadership lessons that we can learn from…

Inspiring Stories of Great Leaders Who Overcame Rejection

Inspiring Stories of Great Leaders Who Overcame Rejection

Being a leader is not reserved for a select few; anyone can become a leader with dedication, determination, and a willingness to learn. This is especially true for young people, particularly university students. In this post, we will explore inspiring stories from popular historical figures who were once rejected but went on to become great…

Grant applications - Michael Ukwuma

Preparing Your Organization for Successful Grant Applications

Organizations seeking grant money often wonder what they have to do to look good to donors. It is a common mistake to just write proposals without adequate preparation. Your success depends on how well you meet the donor’s expectations. What donors expect to see when reviewing your grant application is not far-fetched. The two basic…


VISION: The Cornerstone of Business Success

The Nigerian business landscape presents a fascinating paradox. While some businesses thrive, becoming beacons of innovation and prosperity, countless others struggle to gain a foothold, ultimately succumbing to the harsh realities of the market. This trend, unfortunately, extends across Africa, hindering the continent’s economic potential and perpetuating poverty cycles. But is there a way to…

How to get a job -

4 Simple Ways to Achieve your Personal Development Goals

Formal Education is no longer enough to meet the challenges of today’s workplace. Young people feel that they lack adequate skills to compete for a few available jobs. societal problems, on the other hand, raise the performance bar for new businesses.  whether one seeks a job in already established firms or wants to grow a…