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3. Problem Solving Strategies | Leadership Course I

by Michael Ukwuma

This introductory Leadership Course is for all Young and emerging Changemakers especially Undergraduates seeking to make a difference in their communities!

We all face problems, big or small, in our daily lives. Maybe your phone dies right before a big presentation, the car won’t start on a rainy morning, or a group project hits a snag. But fear not, problem-solving warriors! Just like those detective skills we honed for finding project issues, there are strategies to tackle any challenge and emerge victorious.


This article will equip you with some powerful problem-solving strategies to turn those frowns upside down and transform problems into opportunities for progress.

The 5-Step Problem-Solving Approach

Think of this as a handy roadmap to navigate any problem. Follow these steps, and you’ll be well on your way to finding a solution:

1. Define the Problem:

The first step is understanding what you’re actually dealing with. Be clear and specific. Is it a flat tire, a disagreement with a friend, or a technical glitch on your computer? The more precise you are, the easier it will be to find a solution.

2. Brainstorm Possible Solutions:

Get creative! Jot down as many ideas as you can, no matter how crazy they may seem at first. Sometimes, the most unexpected solutions can be the most effective.

Example: Flat tire? Change it yourself, call roadside assistance, bum a ride from a friend, or (if you’re feeling adventurous) try to fix the puncture.

3. Evaluate Your Options:

Now, take a closer look at your list of ideas. Consider factors like time, resources, feasibility, and potential consequences of each solution.

4. Choose the Best Solution:

Based on your evaluation, pick the solution that seems most likely to fix the problem effectively. Sometimes, it might be a combination of different ideas.

5. Take Action and Monitor:

Put your chosen solution into practice! Then, keep an eye on how things are going. Did your solution work? If not, don’t be afraid to go back and re-evaluate your options.

Extra Problem-Solving Techniques

Here are some additional tools to add to your problem-solving toolbox:

  • The 5 Whys: This technique, introduced in the previous article, helps you dig deeper and find the root cause of the problem. Keep asking “why” until you reach the core issue.

  • The “Thinking Outside the Box” Approach: Don’t be limited by traditional solutions. Challenge yourself to come up with unconventional ideas that might work even better!

  • Seek Help: Sometimes, two (or more) heads are better than one. Talk to a friend, family member, teacher, or colleague for a fresh perspective and additional ideas.

Remember, Practice Makes Perfect

Problem-solving is a skill that gets better with practice. The more you encounter challenges and apply these strategies, the more confident and resourceful you’ll become. So, don’t shy away from problems – see them as opportunities to learn, grow, and become a master problem-solver!

By embracing these strategies and fostering a curious, solution-oriented mindset, you can transform any problem into a stepping stone on your path to success. Now, go forth and conquer those challenges!

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Michael Ukwuma

Michael Ukwuma is a seasoned trainer and delivers a simple yet powerful lesson that will help you to become the best you can be.